bernardo pinhal pianist

Bernardo Pinhal


Bernardo Pinhal is a pianist and singer from Porto. He completed his bachelor's degree in piano at ESMAE in Porto with professor Miguel Borges Coelho. He later studied with Dimitri Bashkirov at the prestigious Escuela Superior de Música Reina Sofía and then at the Hochschule für Musik Basel with Claudio Martínez Mehner, with whom he completed his Master's degree in Performance in 2016 as a scholar of the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation. Among the most influential teachers in his education are also Denis Lossev, Marta Gulyas, Luís Fernando Pérez, and Anton Kernjak, among many others.

He has been awarded in numerous national and international competitions, such as the San Sebastián International Competition, the Santa Cecília do Porto Competition, or the AGEAS Prize (in a duo with pianist Sérgio de A). He has recorded or participated in the recording of four albums, a film-concert, and has recorded several videos as a pianist and arranger playing with Mauro Martins, Hugo Assunção, Sérgio Carolino and Mónica Pais, Laura Martins and Jorge Quarteto Contratempus. He is also a songwriter and has published two tracks entirely interpreted and produced by himself.

Bernardo has been a regular pianist at the Gravíssimo! festival since 2017, as well as at the Suggia Prize. He performs regularly with the Quarteto Contratempus and he is a member of the Casa da Música Choir and a regular member of the Moços do Coro, the Schola Cantorvm Colegiada de Cedofeita, Ópera Encantada, and Capella Duriensis. He was one of the choristers of Mátria, by Fernando Lapa, and performer of Guarda-Jóias, and is the pianist of the ensemble Gaudeamus, by António Victorino d'Almeida. He studies singing with the professor and Luís Rendas Pereira.

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